Ter inspiratie en vermaak: de mooiste spreuken voor op de babykamer. Eerst een berg Engelse teksten en daaronder vind je veel Nederlandse spreuken. Wat is jouw favoriet?
Bekijk ook: de mooiste gratis posters (om uit te printen) voor de babykamer.
Your first breath took ours away
I love you more than all the stars
Love you to the moon and back
This little light of mine I’m going to let it shine
Sometimes the littlest things take up the most room in your heart
Shine like the stars
I live to watch you grow.
I love to watch you sleep.
I hope with all my heart
That you’ll love somebody too
Just as much as me
Dream big little one
I knew I loved you before I met you
Always kiss me good night
Shower me with love
You are my favorite adventure
We made a wish and you came true
“How do you spell ‘love’?” – Piglet
“You don’t spell it…you feel it.” – Pooh”
Leave a little sparkle wherever you go.
On the day you were born… the angels clapped their hands and the moon danced with the stars.
Today you are you. That is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you
There are two gifts we should give our children, one is roots and the other is wings.
No one else will ever know the strength of my love for you. After all, you’re the only one who knows the sound of my heart from the inside.
As soon as I saw you, I knew an adventure was going to happen.
Big things often have small beginnings
You are so loved
Magic is something you make
You don’t have to be perfect to be amazing
Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart
Why fit in when you were born to stand out?
Look at the stars, look how they shine for you
A baby makes love stronger, the days shorter, the nights longer, savings smaller and a home happier
First We Had Each Other, Then We Had You, Now We Have Everything
This is the start of your sweet little story the part where your page meets mine no matter where your tale takes you tomorrow our story will always read love.
How wonderful life is while you’re in the world
Nederlandse spreuken voor de babykamer of het geboortekaartje
Zo mooi, zo klein, zo lief, zo van ons…
Kleine beentjes, mini teentjes
Lachend mondje, pamper kontje.
Welkom lieve ukkepuk,
Jij bent ons eerste meesterstuk
Bewonder hoe bijzonder je bent
Ik ga slapen,
Ik ben moe.
Ik sluit mijn beide oogjes toe.
Heere houd ook deze nacht, over mij getrouw de wacht.
Kleertjes uit, pyjama aan. Een dikke kus voor het slapen gaan. Droom maar fijn de hele nacht, welterusten lief kindje, slaap maar zacht
Dag sterren, dag maan, ik moet nu slapen gaan
Ik vind jou lief
De wereld is mooier met jou
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